Wednesday Waste

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Today’s Poo:

Robin- They should have been reading the Morning Poo

Today in History:

In 1999 The first episode of The Sopranos aired on HBO, and the dramatic series, which starred James Gandolfini and Edie Falco, was later widely hailed as a classic.

Word of the Day:


adjective AH-muh-nus

Something described as ominous hints or suggests that something bad is coming or is going to happen.

Our fears about the picnic being cancelled were heightened by the sight of dark, ominous clouds appearing over the horizon.


Morning Wood: (Anyone Hungry)

Dude of the Day:

Joke of the Day:


Can’t seem to get motivated or get going- this video could help


Tuesday Tips:

4 quadrants of starting a business

Low Money, High Skill

A specialized skill- Pair this with a service and all you need to worry about is sales. The best part about Low money, High skill, is that it doesn’t take much money. Online platforms make it easier to learn than ever before.

Think consulting, programming, translation services, product design, Etc.

You will basically be trading time for money but could transition into bigger ideas. Think software programs selling for billions.



Yesterday (If scores are not final, click to see final score)


Fun Photos:

Defend Yourself:


According to Instacart, what the most disliked food in America?

Yesterdays Answer: Robin Williams

Animal of the day:

Meat Sweats -

Robin’s Result

(Viewer discretion is advised) -


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A Classic

Tune in tomorrow for more

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