Monday Manure

Today’s Poo:

Today in History:

First Earth Day

First celebrated on this day in 1970 in the U.S., Earth Day—founded by American politician and conservationist Gaylord Anton Nelson—helped spark the environmental movement and quickly grew into an international event.

Word of the Day:

Noblesse oblige

noun noh-BLESS-uh-BLEEZH

What It Means

Noblesse oblige refers to the idea that people who have high social rank or wealth should be helpful and generous to people of lower rank or to people who are poor.

// As the inheritor of a great fortune, he was raised to have a strong sense of noblesse oblige, not only volunteering and donating to charity, but advocating for structural change to address inequality.


Morning Wood:

Dude of the Day:

Joke of the Day:







What six-letter word names both a seed company and an exercise that combines a squat, a pushup and a jump in the air?

Yesterdays Answer: Tennis

Animal of the day:

Meat Sweats:


Which is right for you?


Tune in tomorrow for more

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