Monday Manure

Today’s Poo:

Today in History:

Robert the Bruce crowned king of Scotland

Robert the Bruce, crowned Scottish king at Scone this day in 1306, freed Scotland from English rule, winning the decisive Battle of Bannockburn (1314) and confirming Scottish independence in the Treaty of Northampton (1328).

Word of the Day:


noun muh-GHIL-uh

Megillah is slang for a long, involved story or account. Megillah can also refer to a complicated sequence of events, or it can be used as a synonym of ball of wax meaning “everything involved in what is under consideration.” All three senses of megillah are often preceded by the adjective whole.

Don’t worry about reciting the whole megillah from last night’s game; just give me the highlights.

Our grandfather always made a whole megillah out of Sundays, waking up before dawn to visit yard sales, then cooking a big meal in the afternoons for our extended family.


Morning Wood:

Dude of the Day:

Joke of the Day:





Yesterday (If scores are not final, click to see final score)




What singer holds the most Grammy nominations?

Yesterdays Answer: DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince

Animal of the day:

Meat Sweats -


Which is right for you?


Tune in tomorrow for more

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